About Suzi Pratt

Suzi Pratt is an event, food, and concert photographer based in Seattle. She started Intrepid Freelancer to inspire and teach others how to start a photography business. View her at photography portfolio, and subscribe to herYouTube channel.

Monthly Recap: June 2015

I was initially going to begin this post by lamenting that June was a pretty slow month due to this week feeling low key and uneventful. It's certainly feeling that way lately, probably due to sunshine and 90 degree weather that makes you want to kick back with an ice cold drink and do nothing

By |2016-12-21T17:57:34-08:00July 2nd, 2015|1 Comment

Review: Think Tank Shape Shifter Camera Backpack

I have a thing for bags. Not fancy, name-brand purses or handbags, but functional bags. From REI to Kelty, to Timbuk2 to Swiss Gear, I have rather large collection of functional bags for a variety of travel situations, from overnight urban adventures to 6 month backpacking escapades in third world countries. You name the travel scenario,

By |2016-12-21T17:57:34-08:00June 25th, 2015|3 Comments

What’s the Best Lightweight Travel-Friendly Camera Bag?

A reader recently wrote to me asking about what kind of lightweight travel-friendly photography accessories I like to use. Whether you're a professional, amateur, or hobbyist, some of this gear may appeal to you to better secure and tote your camera around while on the road. What's the best lightweight travel camera bag? Ani asks:

By |2016-12-21T17:57:35-08:00June 2nd, 2015|Comments Off on What’s the Best Lightweight Travel-Friendly Camera Bag?

Productivity Days: How to Organize Virtual Workspaces

Last month before I went on vacation, I wrote a post about spring cleaning your workspace by making it more ergonomic and organized. That post was all about the physical clutter, and in my promised followup, I'll now go over some strategies for spring cleaning the virtual parts of your workspace. Physical spring cleaning is

By |2016-12-21T17:57:35-08:00April 16th, 2015|1 Comment

Finding Motivation by Breaching Comfort Zones

Post-vacation blues. They're pretty much inevitable, whether it means you're sitting at your desk wishing you were still on vacation, or simply finding it hard to refocus and get back into your pre-vacation routine. Luckily, my post-vacation blues now take the form of the latter rather than the former. I truly love the work I

By |2016-12-21T17:57:36-08:00April 10th, 2015|Comments Off on Finding Motivation by Breaching Comfort Zones
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